Thursday, September 17, 2009

Manchester Signature Chefs Volunteer Reception - March of Dimes

March of Dimes - NH Chapter
Manchester Signature Chefs Volunteer Reception
September 16th, 2009
The March of Dimes is one of my top non profit organizations that I work with and support because of their mission to save babies lives and provide research to that mission. They are amazing! I had the pleasure of being invited to the Volunteer Reception at the Bedford Village Inn for the upcoming Manchester Signature Chefs Event. It is going to be an incredible night of great food from over 20 local restaurants, wonderful silent and live auction items with all the proceeds going to the March of Dimes.

At the Volunteer Reception with these incredible women who are March of Dimes in NH! Meghan Roche, March of Dimes, NH Community Director, Kathy Malone, Hannaford Supermarkets, Store Manager and sponsor, myself and Karen Dennis, March of Dimes NH State Director