4th Annual
Taste For a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis
Thursday, February 18th, 2010
SERESC Conference Center
Bedford, NH
Rosie with her Parents
With Rosie and her mom Paula
I am so honored to have met and so impressed with everyone I've gotten to know at the CF Foundation in NH and all that they do to find a cure for CF! I've been fortunate to have met some truly inspiring people in my time, but few have made a lasting imprint on my heart. I have so much respect and admiration for Paula Garvey as a woman, as a mother, as an advocate for her daughter and family and as a role model. She is an amazing woman, one that HAS made an imprint on my heart! This past year, I've had the privilege of wearing a crown as I represent the state of NH as Mrs. New Hampshire. At Taste For a Cure, I presented a VERY SPECIAL crown to the inspiration behind Taste For A Cure, the lovely Miss Rosie Garvey! The crown I presented her was made out of Swarovski Crystals in the shape of Roses for Rosie! The crown represents Rosie's Strength and Courage that she has not only for herself, but for those both with and without CF. She truly is an INSPIRATION for all of us! Thank you so very much for having me be part of this event as the Honorary Chairperson - it was MY Honor! We raised over $100,000 ~ FANTASTIC! To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis and about Rosie, please go to her website at http://www.rosiesroses.yolasite.com/